Fact & Fiction
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Poor Oral Hygiene & Gum Disease

Can poor oral hygiene cause gum disease? Rajan says you need to keep up with your brushing, flossing and hygiene appointments to minimise this being a cause for gum disease.

More Implant Myths

Some patients worry that implant surgery is a long and drawn-out process—but that’s not always the case, says Ascent Dental’s Faresh Desai.

Retainers – The Truth

Without retainers, your teeth risk shifting back to their original position. Orthodontic expert Gursh sheds some light on the practicalities.

True or False?

True or false? Gum disease always results in the loss of teeth or extraction. Specialist periodontist Raj answers…

Feels All-White!

Does teeth whitening really hurt? Here’s our expert on Harpreet on why you needn’t be worried.

Peg Teeth?

If you’ve seen veneers on social media, you may have spotted patients with teeth shaved down to stumps before treatment. But is that really necessary?

A Common Condition?

If you live with gum disease, you’re not alone. Rajan explains why gum disease is so common and what the team at Ascent can do to help the condition.

Fact or Fiction—Teeth Whitening

Can whitening damage your teeth? Ajay explains why this treatment is best left to the experts.

Overbite: The Facts

Overbite is one of the most common orthodontic conditions. But here’s a fact that may surprise you.

Painful? Scary?

Gum disease can be treated. And the cure is much more comfortable and pain-free than most people believe.

A Lifetime of Smiles?

How long do dental implants last for? Here’s an honest answer from Ascent’s implant expert and principal dentist, Faresh.

Wise Words from Faresh

Do problematic wisdom teeth always require removal? Not necessarily, says Ascent principal dentist Faresh Desai.

Hard to Maintain?

Dental implants are the ultimate teeth replacement treatment. But are they difficult to look after?

The Tooth About Gum Disease

Believe it or not, poor oral health isn’t the only reason you might develop gum disease. Rajan explains some of the lesser-known causes and risk factors.

Vampire Teeth?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to have teeth invasively filed down before having veneers. Faresh Desai explains how it’s possible.

Cavities=Gum Disease?

Some patients believe gum disease and cavities always go hand in hand. But that’s not always the case, says Rajan.

Is Sedation Safe?

Sedation dentistry helps thousands of nervous patients receive vital treatment every year. Arun clears up some of the myths…

Don’t Ignore This!

Our gum health expert Rajan describes the early warning signs of gum disease and gingivitis.

Implant Rejection

Implant therapy with Ascent Dental enjoys an extremely high success rate. Here’s our implant expert Faresh on how he and his team plan for success.

Chewing Gum?

Is chewing gum bad for your teeth? This answer from Ascent’s principal dentist Faresh might just surprise you.

Bleeding Gums?

Do everyone’s gums bleed from time to time, or could it be a sign that something is wrong? Gum expert Arun answers.

Bulky Braces?

Are fixed braces still bulky and conspicuous? Orthodontic expert Gursh Bajwa says aligners have come a long way in recent years.

Makeover Myths

Mythbuster Ajay on why a smile makeover means getting a bespoke smile—just the way you want it.

Faster than You Think

Orthodontics has a reputation as a slow treatment that takes years to yield results—but is that really true? Here’s Gursh with the answer.

Gummy Smile?

There’s nothing you can do a gummy smile—fact or fiction? Our resident mythbuster Ajay explains some of the treatments on offer.

Invisalign Myths

True or false: Invisalign is only effective for treating minor orthodontic complaints. Here’s Invisalign expert Gursh with an answer that may surprise you.

Same Old Science?

Mythbuster Ajay explains how the science of cosmetic dentistry has improved over the years.


Can cosmetic dentistry really weaken your teeth? Not if it’s carried out properly, says our expert Ajay.

Friends for Life?

In an ideal world, it’s best to start and finish Invisalign treatment under the care of the same dentist. But is that always possible?

Fact or Fiction?

Cosmetic dentist Ajay dispels some common myths and preconceptions surrounding cosmetic dentistry.

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Ascent Dental


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  • Tue 8:30am - 5:30am
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  • Thu 8:30am - 5:30am
  • Fri 8:30am - 5:30am
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